Member Categories & Dues

The PTNPA welcomes organizations of all sizes, from small, family-owned businesses, to large global corporations, into its membership. Membership in PTNPA is categorized first by Active or Associate membership, and then by size of organization.

The PTNPA membership year is from July 1 to June 30. PTNPA is pleased to provide the reward of lower membership dues rates for current Active and Associate members with on-time payments made by June 30.

Member Category

Annual Dues

Active Member ($10 million+)


Active Member (<$10 million)


Associate Member


Industry Affiliate Member


Alumni Council Member


Note: PTNPA is pleased to provide the reward of lower Membership dues rates with on-time payments made by June 30 for existing PTNPA Active and Associate Members. For all existing PTNPA Active and Associate Members who pay their annual dues after the June 30 deadline, a $500 processing fee will be applied. For all new Members (never previously been a Member of the PTNPA) the above rates will apply upon joining. PTNPA does not pro-rate dues.

Membership Categories



PTNPA Active Members are companies whose business is to process food products AND that business includes: shelling, grading, blanching, sorting, dicing, coating, roasting, packaging or co-packing of tree nuts or peanuts on their own or as inclusion in other food products such as confectionery, bakery and ice cream products, to be sold in the consumer, food service or industrial distribution channels.

Annual Membership dues for Active Members paid by June 30 deadline:
- $4,000 for companies with annual total sales of less than $10 million
- $6,000 for companies with annual total sales of more than $10 million


PTNPA Associate Members are companies that provide supplies (such as equipment, packaging) or services (such as brokerage, consulting, financial, warehousing, marketing, importing/exporting, trading and selling) on behalf of or directly to the tree nut and/or peanut industries.

Annual Membership dues for Associate Members paid by June 30 deadline:
- $3,000 for all Associate Members



PTNPA Industry Affiliate Members are trade associations or similar entities (i.e. Commissions or Boards) that represent the interests of the nut industry.

Annual Membership Dues/Investments for Industry Affiliate Members:

$3,000 for all Industry Affiliate Members

Industry Affiliate Members are given greater exposure and opportunities to “co-brand” and collaborate with the PTNPA in the following ways:

- Co-branding logo inclusion on Industry Fact Sheets created by PTNPA
- Opportunity for preferred pricing sponsorship at PTNPA Convention, Technical Forum and Networking Events
- Product samples or promotional materials at events, as approved by the PTNPA Marketing Committee
- Co-hosting of industry related events, programs and reports
- Opportunity to list events on Related Industry Event Calendar 




PTNPA Alumni Council Members are retired PTNPA individuals who wish to stay connected with PTNPA and their industry colleagues.

Annual Membership dues for Alumni Council Members paid by June 30 deadline:
- $50 for all Alumni Council Members












P.O. Box 2660, Alexandria, VA 22301

For Payments, Please Contact PTNPA

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